How To Survive Online Dating

In 1995, the world’s first online dating website was published under the name Today with dating apps like Tinder, Hinge, Bumble and more; researchers have uncovered the negative aspects of online dating.
This isn’t to say dating platforms are inherently dangerous, but rather misleading. In a number of studies into online dating respondents reported an increase in low self-esteem and mental health concerns.
I’d say, this research sheds a light on understanding romantic relationships, love and attraction through the distorted lense of a phone screen. I’d also argue that this research provides clear solutions that can make your experience much healthier online.
Essential TIPS When Using Dating Apps
Evaluate What Your Goals Are:
- Firstly, ask yourself what you want to get out of the experience. Do I want something casual or committed In the age of hookup culture it’s easy to meet the wrong people online. These are people who lack emotional intimacy and are only interested in one thing.
Limit Your Access To The Website:
- As research suggests spending hours on dating platforms can have an adverse effect on your mental health.
- Positively engaging with friends, colleagues and family can have the opposite effect. As well as, putting a time limit on your app usage.
- To maximize your chances in a smaller time limit your search for someone with a similar lifestyle, interests or background.
- If you feel like you have a connection with someone don’t miss out on the opportunity, message them and see how they respond.
- Reach out with openness and positivity showing you’re interested in exploring a meaningful connection.
How To Deal With Rejection?
- Fear of rejection is a common apprehension among most people and is something everyone faces. Sometimes they won’t like you, other times you won’t like them or maybe it was a lack of compatibility.
- Either way this can be extremely painful for both parties, but the experience is widely universal and essential when understanding who we are and what we want.
- The best method is to tell them straight away to prevent any further heartache. Most importantly gaining a sense of closure not normally offered when someone is Ghosted.
What is Ghosting?
- Well, Ghosting is used to describe when someone you’ve been speaking to abruptly stops without warning or explanation.
- Unfortunately, this practice is very common especially on dating sites. You may want to know what happened, but will likely be met with silence.
Curiousity or overanalyzing?
- No overanalyzing others profiles too intensely either. It’s good to be curious and even suspicious as this person is essentially a stranger.
- That said, whatever they’ve left out can be a great conversation starter. For instance, “your profile showed you with two small children from your previous marriage”.
First dates:
- After getting to know each other over the app, you may feel like you want a more personal experience. You could make an effort to contact them by video chat or in person.
- For some first dates can be awkward or disappointing, as the person may have been dishonest during previous conversations online.
- For this reason, I would suggest a public place like a coffee shop or even an activity you both enjoy as your first date. This will determine your compatibility beyond the screen in a safe environment.
- Despite some downsides, dating apps can help you meet new people, and many have found loving long-term relationships through these sites.
- I know by using the tips provided, setting your own personal boundaries and guidelines you’ll have more enjoyable, safe and sincere.